블로그에 올려두면 만들 때마다 보기 편할 것 같아서 올려둔다.
(참고로 저 레시피 원본 출처인 캣뉴트리션에서는 어쩔 수 없는 경우가 아니라면 본밀을 이용한 레시피보다 뼈를 이용한 레시피를 추천하고 있다.)
살찐네 레시피와 다른 점은 글랜쥴라가 추가되고 켈프랑 덜스가 빠진 자리에 저염소금이 들어간다는 것.
글랜듈라는 잘은 모르겠는데 마구 찾아보니, 동물의 내장중 소화효소와 관련된 기관인가보다;;;
동물을 직접 잡아서 통으로 먹어치우면 자연스럽게 소화효소가 포함된 내장을 섭취하게 되는데 그게 아니다 보니 그냥 생식만 먹으면 소화가 잘 안 돼 장애를 겪을 수 있기에 따로 그런 내장들에서 추출한 성분을 영양제로 추가하는 듯하다. (이 부분은 짧은 지식과 검색을 통해 - 검색으로 얻을 수 있는 정보가 무척 적음- 얻은 것이므로 신빙성이 거의 없음을 알려둔다. 그저 나의 짧은 추측일 뿐.)
하여간 앞으로 나도 글랜쥴라를 넣으려고 한다. 현재 스완슨비타민 사이트에서 주문한 상태임.
원본은 캣뉴트리션(www.catnutrition.org)라는 사이트.
이 사이트를 알게 된 곳, 그리고 이 사이트의 레시피가 번역된 곳은 네이버카페 캣츠인포의 글 '고양이관련정보/레시피정보/캣뉴트리션(www.catnutrition.org)의 영양제생식 레시피'이다. (http://cafe.naver.com/catsinfo/142)
자 이제 시작!!!
번역글 ======================================================
★ 이 레시피는 CKD 질환(만성신장질환,CRF:만성신부전)이 있는 고양이에게는 맞지 않습니다.
◎ 닭이나 토끼를 통째로 쓰는 것이 더 좋지만, 힘들다면 칠면조나 닭의 넚적다리 또는 다리를 사용하세요.
뼈를 20% 이상 사용하지 마세요. 토끼를 통째로 쓰는 경우 20~25% 정도의 살코기를 추가해 주세요.
◎ 소의 심장과 간은 사용하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.
◎ 한주~두주 이상 얼려서 먹일 경우, 4000mg 타우린을 더 추가해주세요. 한주에 2-3번 정도 끼니때
타우린을 첨가해 주는 것도 괜찮습니다.
◎ 2-3일에 한번씩 끼니에 연어오일을 몇방울 첨가해주는 것이 좋습니다.
◎ 모든 고양이에게 씰리엄이 필요한 것은 아니지만, 상업 사료를 오랫동안 먹은 고양이에게
도움이 될 수 있습니다.
생식 초기에 씰리엄을 사용하고, 그 후 사용 여부는 고양이에 따라서 판단해야 합니다.
섬유질이 적어서 변비에 걸리는 고양이도 있지만, 많아서 변비에 걸리는 고양이도 있습니다.
모든 사용 영양제는 개별 선택가능하지만, 그 용량을 잘 확인하여 레시피에 적용하시길 바랍니다.
◎ 글랜쥴러로 추천한 Immoplex 링크
◎ 사용하는 본밀과 젤라틴
★ 본밀에 따라 몇 티스푼을 첨가하는지는 많이 달라질 수 있습니다. (칼슘과 인 양을 확인하세요)
◎ 사용하는 비타민E
◎ 사용하는 비타민B
◎ 사용하는 연어오일
(작은 물고기) 더 좋습니다.
원본글 ==============================================================================
출처: http://www.catnutrition.org/recipes.html
A pictorial and video of making a batch of food is here.
NOTE: These recipes are not recommend for cats with CKD (chronic kidney disease) - formerly known as CRF. As Dr. Lisa Piersonpoints out, there are other recipes more suited to feeding cats with this condition. Dr. Pierson is available for private, paid, consultations to go over the nutritional needs of your CKD cat if you contact her. Note, that her consultations are conducted only after the patient's records, including lab work, have been provided for her review.
Raw Cat Food Diet Recipe Made WITH Real Bones
2 kg [4.4 pounds] raw muscle meat with bones (chicken thighs and drumsticks or, better, a whole carcass of rabbit or chicken amounting to 2 kg; if you don't use a whole carcass, opt for dark meat like thighs and drumsticks from chicken or turkey and remove/don't use 20 to 25 percent of the bone; if using whole rabbit, which has a higher bone-to-meat ratio than chicken, dilute the extra bone by adding another 20 to 25 percent of plain muscle meat and skin and fat from rabbit, chicken, or turkey)
400 grams [14 oz] raw heart (best not to use use beef heart; if no heart is available, substitute with 4000 mg Taurine)
200 grams [7 oz] raw liver (don't use beef liver; if you can't find appropriate liver, you can substitute 40,000 IU of Vitamin A and 1600 IU of Vitamin D--but try to use real liver rather than substitutes)
NOTE: If you cannot find the heart or liver and decide to substitute with the Taurine/Vitamin A and D, then remember to REPLACE the missing amount of organ meat with the equivalent amount of muscle meat. In other words, if you cannot find heart, you add another 400 grams of the meat/bones. If you can't find the liver, add another 200 grams of meat/bone.
16 oz [2 cups] water
4 raw egg yolks (use eggs from free-range, antibiotic-free chickens if you can)***
4 capsules raw glandular supplement, such as, for example, multigland supplement by Immoplex.
4000 mg salmon oil (see note at bottom of recipe*)
800 IU Vitamin E ("dry E" works well)
200 mg Vitamin B-50 complex (i.e., four capsules of B-50)
1.5 tsp. Lite salt (with iodine)
(optional: 4 tsp. psyllium husk powder (8 tsp. if using whole psyllium husks; see note at bottom of recipe**)
NOTE: If you will not be using the food immediately and freezing for more than a week or two, toss in 4000 mg of additionalTaurine to make up for what may get lost during storage. It is also not a bad idea to sprinkle extra Taurine from a capsule on the food as you're serving it two or three times a week, just to be certain your cat is getting plenty of this critical amino acid.
1. Remove about half of the skin from the muscle meat. Chunk up (i.e., cut) as much of the muscle meat (minus most of the skin if using chicken or turkey, but leave skin on if using rabbit) as you can stand into bite-sized (nickel-sized, approximately) pieces. Save the chunked meat for later. Do not grind it.
2. Grind the raw liver, any skin, raw meaty bones, and raw heart. Once ground, stir this meat/bone mixture well and return to refrigerator.
3. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and whisk everything (non-meat) except the psyllium. If you had to replace liver with Vitamin A/D or replace heart with Taurine, add the substitutes now. Add psyllium at the end -- if you're using it -- and mix well. Finally, put the three mixtures together--the "supplement slurry" that you have just mixed, the ground up meat/bone/organs, and the chunks of meat that you cut up by hand. Portion into containers and freeze.
Don't overfill the containers. The food expands when frozen and you don't want lids popping off. Thaw as you go. The food shouldn't be left thawed in the refrigerator more than 48 hours before serving. To serve, portion into a 'zipper baggie' and warm under hot water in the sink. NEVER microwave the food. Cats like their food at something approximating "mouse body temperature."
*Every two or three days, I suggest sprinkling a few drops of fresh salmon oil from a newly-opened capsule on to the cats' food. The Essential Fatty Acids in salmon oil are extremely fragile, and since we do not know exactly how much gets lost during freezing, I think it's wise to use a bit of fresh salmon oil directly on the food a few times a week. Most cats love the flavor.
**Not all cats require additional fiber (psyllium) in their diet. If your cat has been eating low-quality commercial food for several years, especially dry food, she may have lost bowel elasticity and may benefit from the extra fiber. As a general rule, I recommend using psyllium when an adult cat first gets raw food. I rarely add much psyllium to my adult cats' diet. Bear in mind that some cats seem to get constipated without additional fiber, whereas other cats seem to get constipated if they get too much fiber. Each cat is unique, and you'll have to judge what works best for your cat.
***If you don't want to waste the egg whites and don't feel like making an angel food cake, poach them, grind them, and throw them in with the food. A nice phosphorus-free source of protein.
Raw Cat Food Diet Recipe Made WITHOUT Real Bones (not recommended, except in a pinch)
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The recipe that follows is inferior to the recipe above. Why? Because it does not contain real bone and relies on an isolated calcium supplement. Cats should eat REAL bone. But if you do not yet have a grinder, this recipe will suffice for short-term use. It also has some gelatin in it to make up for missing cartilage. Please do not use this recipe indefinitely.
1400 grams [3 lbs] raw muscle meat (i.e., chicken thighs and drumsticks meat. leaving about half the skin)
400 grams [14 oz] raw heart (if no heart is available, substitute with 4000 mg Taurine)
200 grams [7 oz] raw liver (if you can't find appropriate liver, you can substitute 40,000 IU of Vitamin A and 1600 IU of Vitamin D--but try to use real liver instead of substitutes)
NOTE: If you cannot find the heart or liver and decide to substitute with the Taurine/Vitamin A and D, then remember to REPLACE the missing amount of organ meat with the equivalent amount of muscle meat. In other words, if you cannot find heart, you add another 400 grams of the meat. If you can't find the liver, add another 200 grams of meat/bone.
16 oz [2 cups] water
4 tablespoons bonemeal (the kind intended for human consumption--not the type used for gardening)
2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin
4 raw egg yolks (use eggs from free-range, antibiotic-free chickens if you can)***
4 capsules raw glandular supplement, such as, for example, multigland supplement by Immoplex
4000 mg salmon oil (see note at bottom of recipe*)
800 IU Vitamin E ("dry E" works well)
200 mg Vitamin B-50 complex (i.e., four capsules of B-50)
1.5 tsp. Lite salt (with iodine)
(optional: 4 tsp. psyllium husk powder (8 tsp. if using whole psyllium husks; see note at bottom of recipe**)
NOTE: If you will not be using the food immediately and freezing for more than a week or two, toss in 4000 mg of additionalTaurine to make up for what may get lost during storage. It is also not a bad idea to sprinkle extra Taurine from a capsule on the food as you're serving it two or three times a week, just to be certain your cat is getting plenty of this critical amino acid.
1. Remove about half of the skin from the muscle meat. Chunk up (i.e., cut) much of the muscle meat (minus most of the skin if using chicken or turkey, but leave skin on if using rabbit) into bite-sized (nickel-sized, approximately) pieces. Save the chunked meat for later - do not grind it.
2. Grind the raw liver, remaining meat and the raw heart. Once ground, stir this mixture well and return to refrigerator. Once ground, stir this mixture very well and refrigerate.
3. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and whisk everything (non-meat) except the psyllium and gelatin. If you had to replace liver with Vitamin A and D or heart with Taurine, add those substitutes now. Add psyllium (if you're using that) and gelatin at the end and stir well. (If you add the psyllium and gelatin too soon it clumps up.) Finally, put the three mixtures together -the "supplement slurry" that you have just mixed, the ground-up meat, and the chunks of meat you cut by hand. Portion into containers and freeze.
Don't overfill the containers. Thaw only what you can use within 48 hours. Warm the food in a plastic bag under hot water to take off the chill, and serve.
*Every two or three days, I suggest sprinkling a few drops of fresh salmon oil from a newly-opened capsule on to the cats' food. The Essential Fatty Acids in salmon oil are extremely fragile, and since we don't know exactly how much gets lost during freezing, I think it's wise to use a bit of fresh salmon oil directly on the food a few times a week. Most cats love the flavor.
**Not all cats require additional fiber (psyllium) in their diet. If your cat has been eating low-quality commercial food for several years, especially dry food, she may have lost bowel elasticity and may benefit from the extra fiber. As a general rule, I recommend using psyllium when an adult cat first gets raw food. I rarely add much psyllium to my adult cats' diet. Bear in mind that some cats seem to get constipated without additional fiber, whereas other cats seem to get constipated if they get too much fiber. Each cat is unique, and you'll have to judge what works best for your cat.
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